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Construction Services

As D. Floyd Construction has grown over the years, our requirements for equipment to handle the numerous and varied projects that we work on has developed as well. Growth of our industry and of our company has dictated that we provide machinery capable of performing various functions both efficiently and safely to get the job done.

We have a complement of trucks and trailers for moving our fleet of skid steer operation machines for excavation, drilling, concrete pours and product handling, mid size excavators for trenching, digging and drilling and crane, drilling and picker trucks for product handling and specialized drilling operations.

Our Dri-mix Cement truck and Hydro-Vac unit are utilized constantly to provide us with the timely and more efficient options of providing services internally that most construction firms hire or call in when required at market cost and without the flexibility of scheduling that is afforded by having these tools as part of our machine fleet.

Contact Floyd
9250 48th Street SE
Calgary, AB T2C R2R
© 2016 D. Floyd Construction Inc. All Rights reserved.